Polygiene Enters Corporate Uniform Market with New Japanese Partner Bonmax

Publish date: 18 Dec 2018

New partner, Bonmax is one of the major players in the workwear and corporate uniform industry in Japan with a focus mainly on service companies such as hotels, stores and offices, among others.

“The uniform market in Japan represents significant potential as uniforms are mandatory in many service businesses. We hope to see a healthy growth in this well-established industry where Polygiene Stays Fresh Technology and our sustainability message add important value”, states Ulrika Björk, CEO of Polygiene.

About Bonmax
The company founded in 1906 established its uniform business in 1948 and is one of the major actors in the workwear and corporate uniform industry in Japan. As a complement to the ready-to-wear business, Bonmax also has a subsidiary that offers made to order uniforms

Website: https://www.bonmax.co.jp 

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